ChallengeAZ 2017—A Bangle Dictionary | E for Engagement

Engagement contracts involving the Bangles intervened between a fur company and a voyageur and were signed before a notary public. We know that William—as well as his nephew John Davis (Bangle) Jr.—made it to Upper Canada. There were two types of voyageurs: those who made the trip up to Grand Portage and came back to Montréal in the fall; and the others, the hivernants, who spent the winter and made the return trip almost 18 months later. These journeys were no piece of cake. The money earned was probably worth it and, hopefully, relieved some of the hardship.

The Bangle Files

The 2017 Challenge A to Z is proposed to the French community of bloggers by Sophie Boudarel of La Gazette des ancêtres

ChallengeAZ 2017—A Bangle Dictionary | D for Davis

Marie Davis was born about 1731, in Germany. We know that she was married to Adam Bangle when she arrived with him in America in November 1764 as she gave birth to William in September 1765 and that their son John, born in Germany, was most likely their eldest. Marie died on October 28, 1805, in Sorel. We can thank the Québec notaries and the Catholic Church because without them we would have never ascertained Marie’s maiden name.

Davis is also the other surname that John Bangle went by—his mother’s maiden name—like “dit names” used by French Canadians.

The Bangle Files

The 2017 Challenge A to Z is proposed to the French community of bloggers by Sophie Boudarel of La Gazette des ancêtres

ChallengeAZ 2017—A Bangle Dictionary | C for Catherine

Catherine Bangle is the only daughter (as far as we know) of Adam Bangle, the patriarch, and Marie Davis. Born on October 23, 1770, near Palatine, in today’s Montgomery County, NY, she was baptized nearby at the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church, in the village of Stone Arabia. As the daughter of a Loyalist family, she left with her parents who first went to Ontario and later settled in Terrebonne, Québec. At age 16, she married Jacob Schmidt on June 22, 1787, at Christ Church Cathedral, in Montréal—they had 8 children. Catherine died after 1844, probably in Saint-Hyacinthe, Québec.

The Bangle Files

The 2017 Challenge A to Z is proposed to the French community of bloggers by Sophie Boudarel of La Gazette des ancêtres

ChallengeAZ 2017—A Bangle Dictionary | A for Adam

Meet Adam, the patriarch of the Bangle family. He came from Germany in 1764 aboard the Jennefer, arriving in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. Less than a year later, he settled in New York State, along the Mohawk River, in the current county of Montgomery. A loyalist during the War of Independence, he will reappear around 1786 in Terrebonne, Québec, along with his wife, Marie Davis, his sons John, William, and Peter, and his daughter Catherine as well. The fate of his son Henry is unfortunately unknown. Adam died on May 9, 1800, and will be buried the next day in Montréal.

The Bangle Files

The 2017 Challenge A to Z is proposed to the French community of bloggers by Sophie Boudarel of La Gazette des ancêtres

The Bangle Files: #25 | A First Land for William Bangle

After having revisited the year 1820 through John Bangle’s uncommon way of life, let’s retrace our steps to the late 1790s to explore the one of his brother, William Bangle.

As evidenced by the Catholic parish records, William Bangle and his wife, Marie Tourville, spent the first years of their marriage in Terrebonne (ca 1794-1806) (with a brief stay in Saint-Vincent-de-Paul on Isle Jésus in 1799-1800), and then moved to Mascouche until 1812. Afterward, they will settle in Berthierville and, finally, in Sainte-Élisabeth of Joliette, where William died and was buried in 1821. Other records provide more specific details about William which we will address in the next few posts.

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The Bangle Files: #17 | Another Look at John Bangle’s Children

BANQAs you know, we have identified three children from John Bangle’s first marriage to Josephte Allaire: Marie-Catherine, Jacques (who died as an infant), and Marie-Dorothée. Continue reading

The Bangle Files #14: John Bangle & Marie-Louise Couvillon

BANQI prefer not to rush things regarding the land records of John Bangle as I still have some dots to connect, so I thought it would be a good idea to present to you the second wife of John Bangle in the meantime. Continue reading