Ancienne église Saint-Sulpice (début XVIIe siècle). Par Mathys Schoevaerdts — Saint-Sulpice (booklet), Paroisse Saint-Sulpice, 2004, Domaine public, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=8756048
The Wow factor in my tree is that I have identified ancestors up to the 15th generation!
Paris, France: that’s where was found a few years ago, in the church records of Saint-Sulpice, the marriage record of Louis Hébert and Marie Rollet — for those not familiar with Québec’s history, the couple is considered the first pioneer family to have settled in Québec. Based on the precious document dated February 19, 1601, Marie was a widow at the time of her marriage to Louis. Besides, according to the Fichier Origine, her parents have been identified thanks to notary records: Jean Rollet and Anne Cogu. Jean was the King’s cannon gunner.
Louis Hébert and Marie Rollet came to New France in 1616. Ironically, Marie Rollet married her third husband Guillaume Hubou in Québec in 1629. Guillaume was my ancestor Mathieu Hubou’s uncle who died without any descendants.