François-Xavier Zace joined the Bangle clan by marrying Elizabeth, daughter of William Bangle and Marie Tourville, on August 12, 1828, in Berthierville, Québec. Born in said town on January 18, 1809, he lost his father, Jean-André Szass, when he was just 2. His mother was Théotiste Hénault dit Canada. François-Xavier and Elizabeth had 11 children and their places of birth indicate how the family moved around—Berthierville, Bedford, Saint-Césaire, Stanbridge, and Terrebonne (Québec); Williston and Burlington (Vermont); and Bourbonnais and Kankakee (Illinois) where they settled about 1856. François-Xavier died in Bourbonnais on September 7, 1857.
♠ The Bangle Files ♠