There is a challenge for geneabloggers that is held during the month of April and that consists of publishing one post per day using all the letters of the alphabet during the course of the month.
French Genealogist Sophie Boudarel of the blog La Gazette des Ancêtres did propose such a challenge to French-speaking bloggers last year. For 2014, the Challenge AZ will be held in June and I chose to participate.
Sophie suggested that we have a theme for the whole month. I wasn’t sure I was going to participate as I didn’t have any idea. Finally, it strucked me. I will publish a family photo with a theme related to that picture starting Saturday May 31 and ending Monday June 30. Sophie is kind to us, we have Sundays off! With all those photos that I always wanted to scan, this will be a great excuse to finally get to it.
As my blog is bilingual I have decided to go ahead anyway even if the Challenge was in April for the English-speaking community in 2014. My posts will be first done in French so I may not always respect the alphabetical order but we’ll see what my score will be!
The French community has a Facebook page for this challenge: Bloguez votre généalogie de A à Z.
Hope you will enjoy the posts!