The Bangle Files: #6 | The Loyalist

BANQCollaboration, that is the key word. I don’t remember exactly when I “met” Judith Bangle Persin online for the first time. However, I do recall the days when I was searching through the notarial records of Terrebonne at Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec while, at the other end of the continent, she was looking through microfilms she ordered from her Family History Center.

You see, there is a serious possibility that Judy could be a cousin of mine as she might be a descendant of Joseph-Hippolyte, son of William Bangle and Marie Tourville. This remains to be proven (we’re working very hard on this) but we’ll come to that in a future post. All this to tell you that Judy did extensive research on her Bangle line, for which she has been rewarded: she has unearthed real treasures about the Bangles.

How did Adam Bangle end up in Terrebonne? Take a look at this nugget that Judy found:

[PAGE 29]
Estimate of the Real and Personal Estate of Adam Bangell in the County of Albany in the Province of New York according to the value thereof in April 1775.

30 Acres Clear Land well fenced at 5 Pounds 4 Shillings per Acre
To large Dwelling House Barn & Stable
3 Mares at 15 Pounds per mare & 5 Milch Cows at 5 Pounds per Cow
1 stallion at 10 Pounds and 3 Heifers 3 year old at 3 Pounds per Heifer
4 sheep at 12 Shillings per sheep and 3 Breeding sows at 1 Pound per sow
7 Hoggs Barrows at 2 Pounds per Barrow & 1 Boar at 2 Pounds 10 Shillings and 4 Piggs 16 Shillings
1 Large Iron Pot 1 Pound 16 Shillings 2 Small Iron Pots 16 shillings
2 Ploughs at 2 Pounds per plough 2 sets of Harness at 2 Pounds per set & 1 Fryin Pan 8 shillings
4 Axes at 8 shillings per ax 4 Hoes at 6 shillings per hoe & 1 hand saw 8 shillings
Chisels, 1 Gouge, Plains, Milk Pails Casks Churns 8 shillings
1 Small Spinning wheel for Flax
18 skipples Rye 2 Pounds 14 shillings and 5 Bushels wheat sown and ground laboured 10 Pounds
Peas, Potatoes, Cabbage, Onions Beets Redishes etc. 8 shillings
Large Barracks for Grain and fowls of Different sorts

[PAGE 30]
A New Claim
Montreal 13th Nov 1787
Evidence on the Claim of Adam Bangell late of Albany County, New York Province

(In Margin: Claimant Sworn)

Says he was in Montreal a Soldier in Sir John Johnsons Regt in 1783 and gave a Claim to
his officer.

(In Margin: His Son John Bangell interprets for Claimt who is a German)

He is a Native of Germany and came to America in 1765 and in 1775 he lived on the Mohawk River — at no Time Joined the Rebels he came to Canada in 1782.

He is an Old Man and could not get into the British Lines sooner, when he came in he inlisted in Sir John Johnsons Regiment, he now resides at Terre Bonne.

100 Acres of Land on the Mohawk River he puchased this when he arrived in America he gave 20 Pounds for it, he had cleared 30 Acres, and had a House and Stable, he had four Horses 6 cows corn etc.

John Bangell Swears to the truth of the above


Encampment of the Loyalists in Johnstown, a new settlement on the banks of the River St. Lawrence, in Canada West, August 12, 1925 J. R. Simpson James Peachey (after) Watercolour Reference Code: RG 2-344-0-0-89 Archives of Ontario, I0003081

Encampment of the Loyalists in Johnstown, a new settlement on the banks of the River St. Lawrence, in Canada West, August 12, 1925. J. R. Simpson James Peachey (after) Watercolour. Reference Code: RG 2-344-0-0-89. Archives of Ontario, I0003081

A Loyalist! Adam Bangle was a Loyalist and his son John is by his side on that day of November 1787 in Montréal. Hence, it’s obvious they were not estranged from each other. Remember that mention in Adam’s will that John was excluded therefrom? I’m still of the opinion that he might have received his share of the inheritance on the day of his marriage to Josephte Allaire (as was sometimes the case) but, of course, that is just speculation from my end.

For sure, that little piece of paper contains plenty of substantial information as it reveals the following: Adam is definitely German; the year of his arrival in America is 1765; he lived by the Mohawk River; he was part of Sir John Johnson’s Regiment; and he resided at Terrebonne in 1787.

I guess you do by now have an idea where I will be going with my future posts, don’t you?

The above document is entitled A New Claim. While in Salt Lake City Family History Library, I was so happy to have the chance to gaze at the manuscript version on microfilm (the printed version of same is available on the Web). I actually dug through all research instruments about Loyalists I could find and I was literally jumping with joy when I hit upon this previous claim:

[Cover Page]
No 1124
American Claim
Adam Bangell
New Claim
[_____] 1786
Defered [___] evidence
29th June 1787

[Page 165]
Adam Bangell late of the County of Albany and Province of New York but now of the District of Montreal and Province of Quebec Maketh Oath and saith that he resided in the District of Montreal from 15th July 1783 to the 25th of March 1784 and this deponent further saith that he was utterly incapable of prefering or delivering to the Commissionners appointed by Act of Parliament Passed in the 23rd year of the Reign of His present Majesty intitled An Act for appointing Commissioners to enquire into the Losses and services of all such persons who have suffered in their rights Properties and professions during the late unhappy Dissention in America in Consequence of their Loyalty to His Majesty and attachment to the British Government or at their office any Memorial claims or Requests for aid or relief on account of this deponents Losses during the late unhappy Dissention in America within the time allowed By the said act for the receiving of such claims by reason that this deponent during all such time /viz/ Between the 15th July of 1783 and the 25th March 1784 resided in the District of Montreal and was doing duty as a soldier till 24th December 1783 which prevented the delivery of this claim [___]

And futher this deponent maketh Oath and saith that this Estimate of three hunded and forty five Pounds eight shillings and six pence New York Currency is Just and true According to the best of his knowledge.

Sworn before me on this
9th March 1786
(signed) L. Anderson, C.P.     (signed) Adam bingal

Estimate of the Real and Personal Estate of Adam Bangell in the County of Albany in the Province of New York according to the value thereof in April 1775 [refer to the above, the list is identical].

Even though both lists of properties are identical the deposition itself provides even more details:

Adam was living in Albany County, Province of New York but from July 15, 1783 to March 25, 1784, he actually was in Montréal, performing military duties. And?

Well, this enabled me to read his very own signature for the first time! Isn’t that great? Because, you might recall that he was too sick when preparing his will to sign same by himself although he said he knew how to.

adam signature 1786The downside of this is that we cannot validate how much Adam received in settlement of his claim. The library of course had a copy of the document on microfilm but page 94 thereof is missing. Guess on what page was Adam’s settlement? Yeah…

About a decade ago, the next thing Judy discovered was the exact date of his arrival in America, and less than two months ago, I discovered something I was very excited about regarding that arrival.

So as I was saying, collaboration is the key word. And what about dedication?

See you in two weeks!

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For related posts about The Bangle Files, please refer to the Introduction Page