My 2021 French Challenge AZ: A for Avanti!

It is, by all means, the first time—and hopefully the last!—that I begin this ChallengeAZ with no hope of completing it. I’m a little bit late, but I will try anyway. For a second or two, I thought of A for Abort Mission! for this post’s title!

I’m currently cleaning up my genealogical tree. After so many years of researching people not related to me, I have decided to treat myself.

Did you know that up to Generation 7, all of my ancestors were born in what is today Quebec’s territory? Then again, for the next generations, I can thank my Acadian ancestors for some variety in my tree with people being from France, England, and the United States. Among my ancestors, two New France pioneers were nonetheless born outside of France, i. e. in England, one was from London and the other one from Gloucester.

With this challenge, I would like to bring to light the discoveries I have made owing to the team of the Fichier Origine Website. Indeed, this team’s members are trying to find in French records the baptismal record of New France pioneers. Not all of them left a trace, but fortunately, their siblings often did, making it possible then to validate the parents’ name and even sometimes, with the help of their marriage contract or record, to establish the grandparents’ names.

Hence, this challenge will be dedicated to the ancestors I have identified on the Fichier Origine Website that you can look at here (in French but Google Translate should be helpful).

So let’s make this a rendezvous tomorrow with Jacques B…!