ChallengeAZ 2016: V for Valérie

valerie rose tourvilleI am kind of lucky to have one picture for someone whose first name starts with the letter V (there are only six—even if I am cheating again). Valérie Rose was born in 1850 and she and Alphonse Tourville were only 17 years old when they married in 1867. Around 1879, they left Montréal to settle in Chicago. Rose gave birth to twelve children: five were born in Montréal, four in Chicago and three in Nebraska. She is the grandmother of Blanche and the mother of Frederick, featured in this series. Valérie died in 1931 in Nebraska.


Letter V: Less than 1% for the Hubou-Tourvilles’ first names.

Valérie, Victor, Vivian and Virgil, that’s it!

Kind of Funny

Your choice?


The 2016 ChallengeAZ is proposed by Sophie Boudarel of La Gazette des ancêtres