ChallengeAZ 2016: L for Laurette

Laurette tourville 1927

I haven’t seen my godmother much as she died when I was only 5 years old. But I do remember her. And  such memories have nothing to do with the magnificent young girl pictured in this photo at age 16. She is so beautiful, she looks like a Hollywood actress of the 1920s! What about her eyes! As her parents had a hard time making ends meet, I am also surprised she was able to go to a photographer. Is it possible that there were photos of the other children that would be lost today?


Letter L: 9% for the Hubou-Tourvilles’ first names.

Louis, Louis, Lewis, Louis, Louis and Louis again! Larry, Léopold. A few Lillie, Lizzie, Lottie. And Lucie, Lucienne, Lucille!

Kind of Funny



The 2016 ChallengeAZ is proposed by Sophie Boudarel of La Gazette des ancêtres