The Pioneers from Mesnil-Durand, France
We have identified five persons who came from Mesnil-Durand in the 17th Century: Guillaume Hubou (about 1627), Barbe Hubou (1639), Mathieu Hubou (1641), Nicolas Goupil (1642) and Françoise Hubou (1662). Here is the story of Barbe Hubou.
In a previous post, I wrote about Barbe Hubou’s brother, Guillaume. Thanks to the voluminous collection of transcribed notarial acts available while visiting the Société généalogique canadienne-française (SGCF) on Davidson Street in Montréal, I was able to benefit from the work of well-known French-Canadian historian Marcel Trudel who donated 9,000 acts, some of them already transcribed. You will agree with me: the transcription of an act which dates back to the 17th Century takes patience, rigour and… time!

Of the known children of Jean Hubou and Jeanne Goupil, only Guillaume and Barbe came to New France; their grandchildren Mathieu and Françoise came later.
It’s November 11, 1642, we are in Québec. Guillaume Hubou and Marie Rollet are promising to donate to Jean Millouer and Barbe Hubou two acres of ploughed and sown land, a cow and a sum of ninety pounds per year for three years, on the condition that the two get married.
The wedding of Jean and Barbe takes place in Québec eight days later, on November 19, 1642.
The following day, a meeting takes place at the house of Guillaume Hubou and Marie Rollet to which the newlyweds and Notary Martial Piraube attend as well. In recognition of the performed wedding, Guillaume and Marie agree to donate two acres of ploughed and sown land in a place to be determined by Guillaume Hubou in addition to a cow and a sow during the period starting from today ending in three years.
It is noteworthy that in the case of the death of Jean Millouer, Barbe will be able to keep the donated assets received and that after her death, these assets will be bequeathed to Jean’s heirs. If Barbe deceases first though, Jean will be able to keep the donated assets received too, but after his death, these assets will be bequeathed to the heirs of Guillaume Hubou and Marie Rollet.
For the upcoming fall, Guillaume and Marie will lease one acre of land to Barbe and Jean and the donors may at their option include this acre in the two acres already promised to the couple. Moreover, Barbe and Jean promise to remain at the service of Guillaume and Marie for the next three years. Their wages will be of 490 pounds per year for the next three years, for both of them.
It seems that Jean and Barbe had some demands of their own after the celebration of the wedding. They have left the house of Guillaume and Marie and pretend they are entitled to:
- five barrels of wheat from the previous year’s harvest on the first acre of land which forms part of the two acres of land that will be donated to them;
- 384 sheaves of straw from the said acre’s past year harvest and from the two acres’ current year harvest;
- a cow;
- a pig valued at twenty pounds that they have leased. That amount is owed to Mr. Couillard besides to one ell and a half of cloth; and
- the wages of 90 pounds per year for the next three years for each of them; the pig and the wheat being deducted from these wages.

Écritoire, Seconde habitation de Champlain, 1624-1688. Ministère de la Culture et de la Condition féminine, 151QU-985-1112.
What does Guillaume Hubou think about this? Luckily for us, we will find out as his opinion on the matter was recorded:
[…] Sr Hybou is not obligated by the marriage contract passed before Mtre Martialle on November 20, 1642 between Jean Millouer and Barbe Hybou to lease the two acres of ploughed and sown land in this country of New France.
The above-mentioned Hybou said that it cost him two hundred and fifty two pounds to bring his sister barbe hybou in this country. This sum was borrowed from Mr Rozee, merchant of Rouen. This sum will bear interest at the rate of sixteen pound per cent.
Moreover, the said Hybou paid to pilot Lucas the sum of forty pounds for refreshments taken by the said Barbe Hybou before embarking.
As for the cow, I donated it, I didn’t lease it
For the wages of ninety pounds per year, I will pay her and deduct twenty ecus which I paid to Widow LaCaille for one outfit and one long sleeve coat.
Plus seventeen ecus that he received from the Ursulines Mother and four pounds for the five barrels of wheat, I accept to account that for.
For the three hundred eighty four sheaves of straw, I am not obligated for that, I am self-employed.
As for the pig, I owe them nothing. It was eaten at the wedding banquet.
Moreover, the said Hybou mentioned that the said Millouer and his wife had promised that after the wedding they would stay with said Hybou and her wife as she is sick but they did leave when she needed them the most […] which caused great damages for the said Hybou and his wife.
For the ell and a half of cloth that they left with the said Hybou, he is willing to give it back to them […]
You know what they say. Blood and business don’t mix.
Barbe died before Jean on October 31, 1651, leaving no children. So that means that at her widower’s death, all the assets were bequeathed to the surviving donor, Guillaume Hubou.
If you want to check out the index to the transcribed notarial acts at the SGCF, click here. Happy hunting!