#ChallengeAZ 2015: G for Gone

helene gareSummer vacations at Lac Sainte-Marie in Nominingue are one of the most beautiful memories for our family. From 1968 to 1973, our parents were renting a cabin there for three weeks. In 1971, my mother, who got her first full-time job that year, could not take any time off during the summer. How is it possible to forget the sadness in her eyes, and ours, those Sunday nights when we drove her to the train station? Our father must have been particularly worried because it meant a full week of cooking and taking care of three noisy and hyperactive children!

The 2015 Challenge A to Z is proposed to the French-community of bloggers by Sophie Boudarel of La Gazette des ancêtres.

The 2015 Challenge A to Z is proposed to the French-community of bloggers by Sophie Boudarel of La Gazette des ancêtres