#ChallengeAZ 2015: M for Marriage

helene mariageMy parents look so happy on this picture… but, still, take a look at my father’s tight fist. And my mother seems so stiff. As their wedding was in mid-May, at 8 o’clock a.m., they probably wished for an early Spring. But it was so cold that morning of 1956 that they even saw some snow flurries in the early hours. In the group picture, all the ladies wore fur tippets and men enjoyed thick winter coats. As for my parents, even if they were truly happy, they were probably just thinking of rushing to the inviting heated reception room.

The 2015 Challenge A to Z is proposed to the French-community of bloggers by Sophie Boudarel of La Gazette des ancêtres

The 2015 Challenge A to Z is proposed to the French-community of bloggers by Sophie Boudarel of La Gazette des ancêtres