French Challenge A-Z 2015 : Ready for the June Genealogy Marathon

helene foulardOnce again this year, French genealogist Sophie Boudarel invites us to take part to the A to Z Challenge.  This will be my very first participation and I am so excited, especially since almost all my articles are ready! Not only will my project become reality, but I will have plenty of time to read other bloggers’ posts.

In a few days, it will be one year since my mother passed away.  But I don’t want to be sad.

Last year, I had in mind to take part to the challenge.  I had even chosen my subject:  it would have been inspired from my mother’s photo albums.  I had promised her to see that all published posts regarding her family members would be printed.  She was delighted about it.  It is easily understandable why this project fell through.

Most of the articles already published on Genealogy On My Mind do not only relate to my own ancestors but concern some of Hubou-Tourville family’s descendants as well.  I hope you won’t hold it against me for being selfish for once wanting to spend the month of June with my mom who, you will have guessed it by now, will be the topic of my A to Z Challenge.  Her pictures tell so much about her and I will gladly try to comment each of them in less than 100 words, as suggested by Sophie!

Each of you is invited to join me because most of all, you will read about family, history, vacations, travels, love and friendship.  In short, a month of June the way I like them.  That’s it for now and I hope you will enjoy the reading as much as I will enjoy reading other participants’ posts!


The Challenge A to Z is proposed to the French-community of bloggers by Sophie Boudarel of La Gazette des ancêtres.

The Challenge A to Z is proposed to the French-community of bloggers by Sophie Boudarel of La Gazette des ancêtres.

2 thoughts on “French Challenge A-Z 2015 : Ready for the June Genealogy Marathon

  1. Sounds like a lovely way to memorialize your Mother.

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