ChallengeAZ 2017—A Bangle Dictionary | X for Signature (or not)

It’s noteworthy that some of the Bangles of the first and second generations were able to sign their name. Did they know how to read and write though? This matter is somewhat challenging to elucidate. Here is a summary:

First Generation
Adam Bangle—Signed twice. Was too ill to sign his will a few months before his death.

Marie Davis—The mark “X” for her

Second Generation
John Bangle—Depending on what foot he got up in the morning, sometimes he signed, sometimes he didn’t.

William Bangle—Always the mark “X” for him

Catherine Bangle—She signed on various documents.

The Bangle Files

The 2017 Challenge A to Z is proposed to the French community of bloggers by Sophie Boudarel of La Gazette des ancêtres