#ChallengeAZ 2015: W for Wow!

helenereneIsn’t a genealogist’s dream to have such a great picture? Yes, I know, you are wondering what is so special about it. This photo was taken about 15 years before my parents’ wedding. My parents were cousins you see and this picture is the only one I have of them before they fell in love. My mother told me that my father helped her with her homework (he was more than 10 years her senior). I found this very touching knowing that my father did not have the chance to go to school after the third grade of elementary school.


The 2015 Challenge A to Z is proposed to the French-community of bloggers by Sophie Boudarel of La Gazette des ancêtres

The 2015 Challenge A to Z is proposed to the French-community of bloggers by Sophie Boudarel of La Gazette des ancêtres